Thursday, February 10, 2011

Norman James and Ethel Jenisch Rose Endowed Student Scholarship

Ethel & Norman Rose with my wife Kathy

In lieu of BEN subscriptions, we encourage people to donate to several selected charities . One such charity is the University of Washington Foundation - Norman James and Ethel Jenisch Rose Endowed Student Scholarship. This fund was created by my wife Kathy's family. The following info below is a link - where you can make a gift and a description of the fund/scholarship.

Go here to contribute:

The purpose of the Rose Endowed Student Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to medical students interested in pursuing a career in family medicine in a predominately rural setting. Awards may be based on academic merit or financial need, or a combination of the two. Preference shall be given to American Indian and Alaskan Native students, or other underrepresented minority students.

This scholarship was originally established in memory of Dr. Norman James Rose by his wife, Ethel Jenisch Rose, and his son, Norman Jenisch Rose, as a memorial to Dr. Rose for his outstanding career in family medicine and public health. Upon Mrs. Rose's death in 2003, and through renaming the endowment, Dr. Norman Jenisch Rose chose to honor and remember both of his parents and the close partnership they had throughout their marriage.

Other payment options:
Make checks payable to UW Foundation/Rose Endowed Scholarship.

Send checks to:

UW Medicine Development • Attn: Samantha Levine
Campus Box 358045
Seattle, WA 98195

Or call Samantha with credit card information:
(206) 221-2903

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